The ICCI is not just a Mosque. It is a centre point for the whole community, offering many services. On this basis the Centre is split into five main departments to which it operates. Please choose from the menu above or click the department you wish to read about from the list below.


The Administration is open to all enquiries. It can be accessed from the top of the main stairs, on the right hand side, above the shop and restaurant.

Da’wah (دعوة) is an Arabic word which literally means to invite, call or summon. In the context of Islam, da’wah in its essence is to share/convey the message of Islam to people. Since the establishment of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland (ICCI), the Centre has endeavoured to follow the way of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in its representation and teaching of the Islamic faith.

Community Welfare/Women's Department
The Community Welfare Department at the ICCI plays a purposeful role in the day to day organisation of the Centre and its functions.

Nurulhuda Quranic School
Our mission is to provide our students with quality Qur’anic education so that when they graduate they perfect reciting the Qur’an, understand it and abide by the subtle Islamic ethics. This is achieved through well-planned organised educational and administrative performance.

Youth Department
The ICCI Youth Department is dedicated on providing safe Islamic environment, guidance and support for the young Muslims.

Adult Education
Arabic, the mother tongue of more than 290 million people, is spoken and is the official language throughout the Middle East and North Africa.