Renowned Sheikh Abdur-Raheem McCarthy speaks at the ICCI

2 Jan 2013

The Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland was delighted that esteemed Sheikh Abdur-Raheem McCarthy accepted our invitation to speak at both the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland and the Islamic Foundation of Ireland from Thursday 27thto Sunday 30thDecember 2012.

After arriving in Dublin, Sheikh Abdur-Raheem gave Friday Khutbah and a public lecture on ‘The Path to Allah’ at the Islamic Foundation of Ireland.

This was followed by giving public lectures entitled ‘The Qur’an in Our Lives’ and ‘A Sitting with Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubarak’; in addition to leading interactive workshops named ‘Purification of the Soul’, ‘Issues Concerning Muslim Youth’ and ‘The Day in the Life of a New Muslim’.

Also, in the Women’s Section, the Sheikh’s wife, Sr. Manal Ahmed gave two public lectures titled ‘The Path to Allah’.

Every event attained strong praise from the many attendees, making the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland very grateful for the knowledge and enthusiastic means of deliverance of Sheikh Abdur-Raheem McCarthy and Sr. Manal Ahmed.



