Everything which has a beginning has an end too, so our Ramadan Program came to an end with the end of the month of Ramadan. Again, at the end we experienced mixed feelings of sadness and joy. Sadness because of the end of our Ramadan gatherings and the departing of this Blessed month, and joy because of the great memories of the time we spent together and the coming of Eid.
From the 18th of May till the 14th of June the Youth Club of ICCI ran its Ramadan Program 2018 for boys 13-17years of age. Wednesday and Thursday from Duhr till Asr prayer and Friday and Saturday from Asr till Taraweeh prayer every week for the entire month. 16 full days of reminders, games, quality time and Iftars together.
This year again, the Ramadan program was very rich in different activities and the boys had a real chance to “Explore the Spirit of Ramadan” with all the ingredients emphasised in this blessed month, like connecting to the Quran with knowledge and action, compassion by sharing and providing for the needy, helping and sharing in a good cause, strengthening friendships and having fun. The boys also had the opportunity to learn and explain surah “Yaseen”, to explore and experience the Dawah info point and the “Feeding the Homeless” initiative in the city centre, to participate in the “Under One Tent" Project in St Patrick's Park, learn about and understand the dangers of drugs from our “Drugs info Workshop” with the Garda drugs squad and to enjoy games with our own FIFA “Fasting Is For Allah” Ramadan Football Cup, watching the Championship final Liverpool vs Real Madrid. As if that wasn't enough fun, the boys even went on their own “Fast and Fasting” driving experience of Go Karting. Overall, the boys had great time spent together over iftars and snacks, exploring and utilising the Month of Change to strengthen their connection with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the Quran, which is the true spirit of Ramadan.
All that and more gave us a unique Ramadan experience, Alhamdulillah.
We look forward to doing it all over again next Ramadan inshaAllah!