DCU Conference on the Future of Europe

3 Mar 2022

On 2 December 2021, the Centre for Religion, Human Values, and International Relations at DCU, in partnership with the Irish Inter-Church Meeting and the Dublin City Inter-Faith Forum, hosted an on-line conference on the future of Europe. This proceeded to an in-person conference at DCU’s Helix Theatre on 24th and 25th February. The CEO of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland Mr. Ahmed Hasain contributed as a panelist along with Chair: Archbishop Michael Jackson Gillian Kingston, Dermot McCarthy, Karen Jardine and Dr. Hemant Kumar. The list of themes for discussion were:

1) Global challenges/World Social Summit 2025

2) Founding values of postwar Europe

3) Wellbeing indicators and an overall vision of the economy

4) Migration policies

5) Housing policy and the future of Europe

6) International security: the Good Friday Agreement approach to EU peacebuilding

7) The dialogue between religious communities and public authorities 8) The media, technology, and the future of Europe 

The immediate goal of the February gathering was to develop some shared recommendations as a contribution to the Conference on the Future of Europe. You can find the report of the December meeting here.



