Eid Al Adha 1445/2024

11 Jun 2024

The ICCI would like to invite you all to celebrate Eid Al Adha with us on Sunday June 16th.

Car Parking arrangements:

Please park legally and do not disrupt our neighbours. There will be overflow parking for the Eid prayer in the UCD carpark beside the water tower.

There will also be parking available after 10am in the Rugby grounds carpark. This will also be limited because there will be certain sports taking place that day.

Please take this into consideration when planning your journey.

There will be two Eid prayers, one at 8am and the other at 10am.

Please take note of the designated prayer areas:

Women's Prayer Area

Men's Prayer Area

Please bring your own prayer mats for the events Hall or in case you need to pray outside.

Tea and coffee available after each khutbah. It will be in the school yard for the women, and the glass area for the men.

The food court will open at 11am for sale of food and treats. There will also be face painting and balloon modellers for children from 12pm - 4pm.

May Allah accept your deeds during these blessed days of Dhul Hijjah and accept your fasting and deeds on Yawmul Arafat (Saturday 15th)

