Fourth Eid Prayer Added

9 May 2021

Assallamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, 

The registration for the fourth Eid Al-Fitr Prayer will open tomorrow Monday 10th of May at 6pm using the following link:

Please take note of the following:

There will be no access to toilets or wudu facilities, so make sure you make your wudu before attending the masjid.

You will also need to wear a face mask and bring a prayer mat with you for prayer. Please abide by all the health and safety guidelines for your safety and that of the people around you. If you are feeling in any way unwell, please stay at home and contact your GP.

May Allah bless you all during these last days of Ramadan and accept your fasting, duas and deeds. Ameen.

We look forward to welcoming you for Eid.

***Important Notice Re Covid 19***: Please note any interaction with the general public poses an elevated risk of being exposed to COVID-19 and we cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed while in attendance at the Eid prayer. We will have our health & safety measures in place and strongly advise you follow them while attending the masjid.

