ICCI Hosted Common Purpose Senior Leaders Programme

27 May 2022

ICCI's CEO Mr Ahmed Hasain participated as a contributor on The Common Purpose Programme, which is an experiential leadership development programme for senior leaders. The Programme was held in the seminar room of the ICCI on Thursday 19th of May, from 9:30am - 1pm.

This programme gives senior leaders - from across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors - the skills, networks and mind-set to thrive in uncertain times, making the next transition in their leadership to face a rapidly changing world, head on. This session was one of nine experiential ‘Immersion’ sessions that participants take over the course of a 4 month programme. Immersions take leaders out of their day-to-day environments and allow them to experience other organisations / systems and their challenges, through multiple lenses.


• move into unfamiliar environments and

• immerse themselves in different contexts

With their horizons broadened and perspectives widened, they are more equipped to excel as leaders in their own environments.

The theme of the this session was: Leading People – Understanding How Other Cultures Work

Speakers and contributors were asked to consider such questions as:

• Has there been a time when my role spanned different countries, cultures, sectors or generations? How did my expectations differ from reality? How did this impact on my approach to leading people or projects?

• Were there times in my career when I found myself pulling back when meeting people different to myself? Have I been actively interested in the views, ideas and experiences of people who are different to me?

• What advice would I give to someone operating in a different place for the first time?

Some feedback from the mornings session:

“Truly excellent event to balances different perspectives. Speakers were wonderful and CP did a fantastic job. Sincere thanks to the Islamic Centre”

The venue was fantastic and the input from the guest speakers was excellent. Enjoyed the tour and the discussion on Islam. Great session.”

Thank you to everyone who attended.



