ICCI organises a trip for the community

9 May 2017

The Islamic cultural Centre of Ireland organised a community trip and fun day to Corkagh park, Co. Dublin on bank holiday Monday 1st May 2017. This trip is organised annually by our supplementary Nurul Huda Quranic School for its students and their parents. This year the door was opened for the wider community to participate and as a result, the number of participants was in excess of 1000. 
The Centre provided fully subsidised barbeque lunch and refreshments for all, and in splendid weather, the children and parents enjoyed the many outdoor activities such as soccer, athletics and skipping while concurrently a quiz provided entertainment for parent.

The principal and staff of our Quranic school shouldered most of the work assisted by other colleagues and their efforts were highly appreciated by Management of the Centre and all those attended the trip. Based on the very positive feedback given to the organisers of the whole Fun Day, the day was a huge success.

We would like to thank the to thank all those who contributed and attended.



