Inheritance Talks with Sheikh Hussein

21 Feb 2023

Imam Hussein Halawa delivered a workshop on The Shari'ah System of Inheritance. It was delivered over the course of four weekends with the translation provided by Dr Ali Selim.

The course demonstrated the Shar’iah System of Inheritance, which was extremely beneficial and fruitful to the Muslims in Ireland.

Imam Hussein Halawa elaborated on many issues relating to the inheritance, e.g. the duties that must be implemented before distributing the estate of the deceased, and he discussed the required conditions and preventive causes of inheritance.

He further illustrated and examined the shares of inheritance for those who have the rights to take from what the deceased left.

During the lectures, Imam Hussein Halawa answered questions concerning the topic, as well as other questions posed by the attendees.

At the end, Da’awa Section in ICCI would like to express their thanks to Imam Hussein Halawa and everyone who attended this intensive program.

You can watch the lectures via ICCI Facebook



