Neighbourhood Weekend 2011

30 Dec 2011

This year the women's committee organised Û÷Failte/Marhaba to Flavours of the Islamic World'. The event was planned over a period of several weeks and proved to be a rousing event that welcomed the participation of the children's choir from the Muslim National School who sang at the event on Friday and Sunday, plus the ICCI youth club, who participated on Sunday in Karate and Quran competition. The Muslim National School also sent many of their art works to display at the event, a competition was held and prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places, there was also prizes for 1st 2nd and 3rd in the Karate and Quran competitions.

Face-painting for children was a huge success with queues for the 3 days continuously, the Calligraphy stall was equally as successful with many of our visitors appreciating the opportunity to get their names written in Arabic artistic font.

The message of integration, communication, and sharing was promoted through the enjoyment of foods from across the Û÷Islamic World', prepared and served by the committee. Many other sisters from the committee and their extra volunteers displayed works of art, jewellery making, hamper products compiled of spices and herbs, plus others made of musk and perfumes from different lands across the Û÷Muslim World'.

The comments written by visitors in the book are commendable and concur with the general impression that the event was very much appreciated and welcomed within the Muslim Community and the wider Irish society; Û÷Wonderful Day & sharing of food', Û÷Wonderful Place, Wonderful People', Û÷A great event, great to see many men partaking, Congratulations to everyone involved', " A Credit to the Islamic Community, Well Done!', Û÷This is inspirational', Û÷Love this', Û÷Great Event for the family', Û÷A lovely atmosphere, wonderful', Û÷A lovely introduction to a very unique and beautiful culture', and much more.

We thank all those who contributed to the success of the programme, with special thanks to all of you who took the time to visit and enjoy a part of the Û÷Muslim Culture.

A special thanks to the children's choir from the Muslim National School, you were fantastic, and to the children from the ICCI Youth club for their skilful exhibition of Martial Arts.

