Palestine Youth Expo - Saturday 4th of May

27 Apr 2024

The youth department are pleased to announce that on May 4th we will be having a Palestine Youth Expo with different activities in the hall and around the masjid.

The event is aimed at primary, secondary and university aged students. Parents are also welcome to come along and browse the stalls and exhibitions in the hall, as well as attend the talks.

We have the pleasure of inviting Dr Khalid El Awaisi back again to talk to the youth about Palestine, Masjid Al-Aqsa and the importance of Baytul Maqdis in the life of the Muslim. He will give the youth the tools they need for their roadmap to the liberation of Masjid Al-Aqsa and what they can do in their own schools and institutions to hightlight what is going on now and also be educated on the importance of knowing our Islamic History and heritage.

His sister, Sara El Awaisi will also be joining us! She runs Al-Aqsa for kids UK and we have some inspiring interactive sessions with her for the junior and the senior students. Definitely not something you will want to miss out on!

More details on these sessions will be found on our social media pages over the coming days, and we will also update this webpage so keep checking back!

Whats planned for inside the Hall?

Outside we will have the famous Kanefah Kingz and also our good friends Teddy's Ice-cream.

The Palestine Expo will run from 11am - 5pm, and the other sessions will be timetabled (we will publish the timings soon).

Keep next Saturday free and come along with your youth. Invite your school/college friends to come along! Make sure to wear your Kuffiyah's and if you dont have one, there may be some for sale on the day!

For any more information please dont hestitate to get in touch, either via our DM's on Instagram @icci.girls or @icci.boys or even the @islamireland main page.

~ Amilah ([email protected])


~ Zahri ([email protected])



