On Thursday January 16th 2020, the Management of the ICCI welcomed An Cathaoirleach Shay Bennan from Dunlaoghaire Rathdown Co Council to the Centre.
The CEO, Dr Nooh Al Kaddo, accompanied by Imam Hussein Halawa, and Mr Shaheen Ahmed, officially welcomed Mr Brennan and invited him to join them and other members of ICCI staff for discussions while partaking in some mid-morning snacks.
The management proposed to Mr Brennan, at his invitation, three points of need for the Muslim community that the Council might indeed assist with:
- The location within the County of a burial ground for Muslims
- A possible resolve to the outstanding parking issues outside the ICCI during prayer
- Youth activities through engagement with the Council - positive integration
An Cathaoirleach departed with an invitation to return as a guest of ICCI during our Annual Multi Cultural Day on 21st March 2020.