Update: Girls Senior Youth Club Ski Lesson

2 Sep 2019

The ICCI senior girls youth went to the ski centre in Stillorgan Industrial Park on Sunday September 1st. They donned their ski's and took to the slopes of "Mount Everest" and "Mount Blanc"! Ski instructors Sam and Frank taught the girls how to put their ski's on and guided them through the technique of skiing. It was hard work at the start but towards the end they were natural. All agreed it was great fun and are looking forward to going back again. They've also requested a ski trip to a mountain with real snow! 

After the lesson we had pizza which we ordered from pizza hut and some refreshments in the ski centre before heading back to ICCI on the bus.

Many thanks to the girls for being great sports, the wonderful ski instructors Sam and Frank and our trusted bus driver Tawfiq.

For more information on the girls club activities, you can email [email protected]




