Update: ICCI YC Junior Girls Trip to Zoo

18 Jun 2019

Alhamdulillah we were blessed with great weather on Sunday, June 16th. The junior girls youth club took a trip to Dublin Zoo. Our group consisted of 49 girls aged between 7 and 12 years old, three mothers, seven youth club volunteers and myself. We rented a 50 seater bus to cater for the numbers, with others meeting us at the gates of the zoo. The girls were all buzzing with excitement. The bus left the centre at 9:25am. We had a great time walking around, looking at the animals, stopping for regular lunch breaks and playing in the play areas dotted around the zoo. The girls were all tired by the end of the day. We took a rest break outside on the grass while waiting for the bus to come and pick us up, returning to ICCI for 5pm.

A great day was had by all, as can be seen by the pictures below. Thank you to all the parents who brought their children on time and picked them up on time. A big thank you to all my helpers!

~ Amilah



